Monday, May 21, 2007


The RN's do a response test with Lauren by yelling at her to open her eyes, pushing on her sternum, and pinching her fingers. Today, she didn't respond well. She's been pulling her hands in, which could mean nerve damage. Some days Lauren responds correctly, and some days not.
Later, when my parents were visiting, Lauren opened her eyes about 3/4 of the way. She's done this before, but didn't seem to be focusing on anyone or anything. This time, she seemed to focus her eyes and looked at my mom and dad. This was encouraging.
Lauren had her third CAT SCAN yesterday, and the results indicated an improvement. This was also encouraging.
Her swelling has been stable, and she hasn't needed the pressure relieved via the valve in her scalp. It's been since yesterday, I believe, that she last needed her valve opened.
All little things, but right now, they mean so much.
Today, we'll get the results of the EEG performed on Lauren yesterday. Pray for good results there.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hey nathan its holly daffs sis. just thought i would let you all know that we are thinking of all of you and especially lauren. let us know if we can do anything at all . i could sing to you but i think your wife got that part of the talent pool. if you guys need to talk or what ever the need may be let me know. we are available for anything. love ya