Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Day 31

Lauren walked a total of 25 feet today during physical therapy. Even though Gina, her therapist, was holding her up, this is still great progress.

Lauren has been inconsistent with her answers to yes and no questions. Pray she does better with this.

She has been fitted with a special cap for the tracheotomy tube. She inhales through it, but exhales through her mouth and nostrils. This means she can speak now. The cap will only be removed when she sleeps.

We see a little more progress every single day.

Please continue prayer for her during this process. She is far from done.


Anonymous said...

that address is wrong.the real one is 1405 shady ave. the rest is correct

Family of Lauren Voltz said...

The address I have listed is the correct mailing address. The address you have listed is the street adress.
All mail should be sent to the Northumberland address.