Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Half an egg, a little corn, and a pancake

Lauren continues to amaze the staff here at the Children's Institute. A breakfast was prepared for her speech therapy, and as soon as we wheeled her into the therapist's office, she grabbed the fork and went after the egg. She ate half of that and a whole pancake. Later, she ate some corn, and while the therapist was asking us if she might need a straw for her juice, Lauren grabbed the cup off the desk and started drinking. Tonight, she'll have dinner with the other kids. If her calorie intake from eating is enough to maintain her current weight, she'll have feeding tube removed.

She did well in both of her physical therapies. She walked down a hallway with nothing but a railing on her left side, and she did great. Only 4 days ago, her therapist had to hold her up during this exercise. Today, she only helped Lauren keep her balance. Lauren also stood up with a walker for 7 minutes straight.

Continue prayer for Lauren. We still don't know the extent of any possible injury she might have received. Please pray for the following:
Upper body strength
Normal appetite
Continued increase in strength
A complete recovery!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The Snyders told us about this blog and we read it daily. You're doing a great job! We have been praying for (and putting her on various prayer chains) Lauren since day 1. Prayer is soooo powerful,obvious by your reports. It's so uplifting to compare your daily requests-the intensity in the beginning, to them now. We rejoice with your family as the requests all turn into praise reports!! He is faithful!
Joe & Diane Kocon
Gulf Breeze, FL (a great place for a family R & R!)