Sunday, June 17, 2007

A wonderful weekend

Lauren had a great weekend. She had lots of visitors, and she was full of conversation and smiles. She speaks slowly, and her voice is a little hoarse from the tracheotomy. That will be removed by Tuesday. She is almost forming complete sentences!

Lauren is chomping at the bit to get better. As soon as she wakes up, she asks Dad if they can go on a walk. He pushes her chair around the block, and she usually asks to do it again. She has asked us a couple of times to unbuckle her seatbelt so she can walk, which we never do unless she's in therapy or uses the bathroom. She is determined, and, at times, restless. That's a good thing, says her doctor. The kids who are restless do better in recovery.

Our sister Mary is a schoolteacher, and she brought Get Well cards her students made for Lauren. Mom was showing them to Lauren, reading aloud what each one said. After 3 or 4 cards, Lauren started reading the cards aloud on her own.
We were told she would have to relearn how to speak and read. She surprises her speech therapist at every session.

Here's a list of our prayer requests. We've seen many answered prayers thus far
Stronger upper body
Better coordination
Desire to eat/weening off feeding tube
A complete recovery!

Thank you all for the love and prayers! Keep 'em coming!

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