Monday, January 7, 2008


To all our friends and loved ones, I believe it is time to end updating this blog. Much time has passed since the accident , and judging from the hits over the last few months, I don't think people are checking it for updates much anymore. If you have been, please feel free to contact us for updates.
This year is full of unknowns at this point. Lauren continues with therapy but there will be changes with that soon. We are also coordinating a trip back to Pittsburgh for a reevaluation of Lauren's brain injury. She is doing very well. There is still healing and recovery taking place, but it is slower now.
We do not know at this point, if she will be able to work or to drive in the future. Only time will tell and we have to be patient with that.
Thanks again for all your support and your love for us. The family and friends of Lauren


Anonymous said...

Praise GOD!

Bob & Patty Lamary

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