Tuesday, May 29, 2007

The evening of Day 16

My parents have an appointment with the case worker tomorrow to explore options in rehabilitation. Pray everything falls into place for Lauren to go to the right place.

Although she's been off the tube most of the day, she's being watched to make sure she doesn't need the ventilation machine tonight. Pray she makes it through tonight without any problems.

Lauren continues to move. Today, she has been also lifting her head up more. Her eyes seem greener, and she appears to be able to focus a little. We need to see more of this.

Continue to pray for Lauren's complete restoration. Thank you.


Anonymous said...

The news just gets better and better, and I am happier and happier for Lauren and You and Daph and all of your family. and While I'm not a prayin man Lauren is in my thoughts everyday which are always positive, and my hopes are high as always. I think I don't have your number anymore. email, myspace or call me(numbers the same) so I can speak with ya'll. keep your spirits high, and you will remain in my thoughts.


Anonymous said...

i am so shocked that this happened to such an amazing person, i am honestly in tears right now just from reading over what she is going through. Lauren, i miss you so much and i am hoping for better than the best for you! You can do it hun, i know you can,

Anonymous said...

Sometimes the Lord allows humans to say and think certain things, in these things that are said, the Lord loves to show how far above we even "THINK" that he is, man limits him, God resurrects dead men!! How much easier it is to say get up and walk for God, then it is for men in all their wisdom to heal humans..with God nothing is impossible..he is already working a work in your family bringing you all closer to him and to one another..My Brother John..we keep praying in your families behalf..Bld 6