Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Keep the prayers coming

This morning, during visiting time, the nurse told my parents they were going to attempt to ween Lauren off the ventilation machine. When they saw her two hours later, she wasn't using the machine. She just has a tube that mists her throat.

The purpose of the EEG performed last week was to see if Lauren had any seizures. The EEG results showed she hadn't. This was another answered prayer for us.

Pray that Lauren will start responding to voices.

There's a doctor that my family refers to as "Dr. Half-Empty." Everything that comes out of his mouth is worst-case scenario. He's the doctor that told us Lauren had brain damage. Four other doctors said otherwise. He told us she probably would be on a ventilator for the rest of her life. Lauren has already proven him wrong there.
Today, he told my parents to expect Lauren to live out the rest of her days in a nursing home.
Every time he speaks to us, the wind is kicked from our lungs. However, what he is saying hasn't affected Lauren one bit. While he gives us grim predictions, Lauren continues to make slow progress.
As harsh as his words are, what he says could be true. Without divine intervention, Lauren could be as bad off as he says she could be.

The picture above is from Daphane's and my wedding in Dothan, 2002.

Let's continue to pray for a full recovery!!


Anonymous said...

Wow! Go Lauren, what a fighter!

Shes still in my constant prayers.

Anonymous said...

There is not a day that goes by that I don't think of you. I talk to you as if you were my own daughter. My entire family is praying for you, as well as my Fathers church. Stay as stong as Cody and Ana say you are. We are all waiting for you.....
