Sunday, June 3, 2007

First weekend of June

Lauren has been moving all her limbs quite well the last few days. So well, in fact, we spent most of her waking time keeping her from pulling out her tracheotomy tube.

Friday afternoon, my mom sat Lauren up in her bed and she smiled a big smile. Our first smile from her in three weeks.

There are times when she appears to be focusing on people, and sometimes she her look is vacant.

Right now, Lauren's behavior is similar to a child. Her movements and facial expressions are reminiscent of herself as an infant; wiggling around with her limbs up in the air.

Lauren will be in rehab in the next few days, and will most likely end up in Pittsburgh. Pray that the best place for her recovery becomes available.

Other issues are:
High blood sugar
Responses to voices
A complete recovery

Please continue the prayers. We are already seeing the effects!

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